What is Balance and Why is it Improtant?
Balance is the communication between your brain, inner ear, visual system, and sensory system. This communication helps us as humans maintain equilibrium and helps us stand, walk, and do functional movements without falling over. Improving balance and posture can therefore make every day activities like like grooming, toileting, walking, stairs safer and easier.
How Does Posture Influence Balance?
As we age or if we are physically limited due to injury or disease, we tend to lose mobility in our backs, form rounded shoulders, increased curves in our spines, decreased arches in our feet, and an overall shift from orthopaedic alignment. These changes can lead to poorer balance outcomes and require work to improve the outlook.
What is Balance & Posture Class Like?
Balance & Posture class helps people improve or maintain their balance at home and in the community. People who have had injuries, chronic disorders, can benefit from Balance & Posture classes.
During the class, we modify and cater specific movements, exercises, and physical activities that help to improve your balance. Specifically, we will target muscles and systems that you need to work on to improve your balance. We also engage people in different kinds of balance and difficulty levels ̶ from sitting balance to standing balance to walking balance to stairs balance.
Who Teaches the Balance & Posture Classes?
Who Can Benefit From This Class?
Any person who has issues with balancing themselves when trying to perform activities of daily living like grooming, toileting, walking, stairs will benefit from this balance class.
Shriya has worked with clients with many different kinds of injuries and issues on improving balance and posture. Some of her clients have had brain injury, concussions, or complex orthopaedic issues. Others are trying to improve their balance due to a chronic condition such as arthritis or diabetic neuropathy.
When Do Balance & Posture Classes Take Place?
Balance & Posture classes are currently unavailable at Propel Physiotherapy.
Photo by Jake Hills on Unsplash