Employee wellness programs are a tangible way for employers to support the health and overall well-being of employees. These programs, which include popular offerings like on-site fitness centres, yoga classes, smoking cessation programs and summer hours can positively influence work culture and attract new hires.

However, in order to be effective, employees must use the services being offered. In Canada, wellness program participation rates are extremely low, with only 11% of employees saying they definitely participate on a regular basis and another 23% participating only occasionally.[i] Some barriers to participation can include workload, optics of taking time away from your work during the day (especially for junior staff or marginalized groups), and lack of motivation.

It can also be a real challenge for smaller organizations with fewer human and financial resources to develop and implement employee wellness programs on their own. That’s why Propel Physiotherapy in conjunction with Koru Nutrition has developed an Employee Wellness Workshop initiative for small- to medium- sized businesses that is customizable with the goal of giving your employees the tools they need to thrive both professionally and personally.

In this article, we will discuss the benefits of employee wellness workshop, and outline one of our sample program’s offerings as well as how it can be customized to suit your employees’ needs.

Table of Contents:

The Benefits of Employee Wellness Workshops

An employee wellness workshop that staff participate in as a group, during regular business hours, facilitates employee engagement. It also gives people the opportunity to learn more about their own health and wellbeing in a way that empowers them to make it a part of their everyday experience.

Combining nutrition and physical and mental health interventions in the workplace have been shown to improve employees’ overall health, leading to reduced absenteeism and healthcare costs. This can have a positive impact on so many employee experiences, including:

Stress Management

The American Institute of Stress1 found that 83% of people suffer from work-related stress. Workplace stress can be the result of many different factors including poor work life balance, poor management, lack of communication, working long hours and a negative workplace environment.

Workplace wellness programs adopting healthy nutrition, exercise and mindfulness provides employees the tools for stress management. In addition, many new employees feel how a workplace addresses mental health to be an important consideration when looking at new workplaces.

Pain Management and Improved Flexibility

Sedentary jobs and prolonged positions can often lead to pain and overuse injuries. Workplace wellness programs can incorporate ergonomic assessments, postural analysis and stretching programs tailored to your workforce’s individual needs.

Our therapists can help provide strategies to help incorporate movement into the work environment and provide recommendations for optimal workspace set up.

Building Resilience

Improving resilience is important because employees identify work as the number one stressor in their lives.[ii] Resilience is a key strategy that helps employees tackle competing deadlines, increasing workloads, complex work relationships and constant connectivity.

Employee wellness programs that encompass various strategies and practices aimed at improving the physical and mental health of employees, which can impact their ability to cope with stress and bounce back from challenges. Mindfulness training also cultivates openness and seeing things from new and fresh perspectives, fostering creativity in the workplace.

A healthier, more resilient workforce is capable of thriving in today’s dynamic and often challenging work environments.

Maintaining Focus

Mindfulness interventions include various techniques to help improve attention and awareness to the present moment. These interventions have consistently shown to enhance employee health, wellness and performance.[iii] With so many things on your to do list, mindfulness fosters increased attention to one task, improving efficiency and effectiveness at work.

Reduced Absenteeism

Nutrition and physical activity interventions in the workplace have been shown to improve employees’ overall health, leading to reduced absenteeism and healthcare costs. A systematic review by Jensen (2011) demonstrated that workplace health promotion programs combining diet and physical activity interventions reduced employee absenteeism by 27% and healthcare costs by 26%.[iv]

Lowered Risk of Chronic Disease

Proper nutrition and regular physical activity can mitigate risk factors for chronic diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes, which are prevalent concerns in sedentary workplace environments. A workplace that prioritizes eating right and moving well puts their staff members in the right position to succeed in their roles.

Boosting Productivity

Combining nutritional education with physical activity has been linked to enhanced cognitive function and mental well-being, which directly impacts workplace productivity. A study by Pronk et al. (2004) found that employees participating in a comprehensive workplace health promotion program reported higher levels of job satisfaction and productivity.[v]

Better Mental Health and Sharpness

Regular physical activity increases endorphin levels and improves mood, in addition to mental acuity and sharpness. Regular physical activity has also been shown to have positive neural effects on the brain and improves overall blood flow throughout the body.

A balanced approach to nutrition supports brain health and cognitive functions, reducing feelings of stress and fatigue. From a practical perspective, having healthy nutrition options around the workplace also lends itself to decreased lethargy and quick-fixes from over-processed, sugary snacks and drinks.

Goal Setting and Adherence to Healthy Behaviours

Healthy behaviour changes occur when individuals feel motivated and capable, and have the right environment to support long lasting changes.

Anderson et al. (2009) conducted a meta-analysis showing that interventions including both nutrition and physical activity components are more effective at promoting long-term behavior change compared to single-component interventions.[vi]

Workplace wellness programs that include goal-setting, self-monitoring, and social support (e.g., group activities or challenges) show higher rates of participation and sustained behavior change. This makes sense as the overlap in one area can positively enhance the behaviour change in another area.

Team Building

One of the standout benefits of an employee wellness workshop is the powerful team-building aspect it brings to the workplace. When the entire team participates in wellness activities together, it fosters a sense of camaraderie and mutual support.

Group activities, such as mindfulness exercises, fitness challenges, or healthy cooking classes, encourage employees to interact in a relaxed and informal setting, breaking down barriers and building stronger interpersonal relationships. This collective experience not only enhances team cohesion but also improves communication and collaboration, as employees learn to work together towards common wellness goals.

Customized Employee Wellness Workshops

Tailoring interventions to meet the specific needs of staff members can enhance engagement and effectiveness. A randomized controlled trial by Proper et al. (2003) demonstrated that personalized interventions (e.g., individual consultations with dietitians and tailored exercise plans) significantly improved dietary habits and physical activity levels among office workers.[vii]

This would make sense as not everyone has the same goals, and everyone is starting from different abilities and baselines of health. For instance, the workplace wellness goals for a group of office administrators who have a sedentary workday may differ greatly from manual laborers who are constantly on their feet needing to move, lift, or carry items.

Our comprehensive program offers a variety of sessions focusing on mental, physical, and nutritional health, ensuring your team leaves feeling rejuvenated and empowered. The customizable program is designed to provide you with practical tools and knowledge to improve your health and well-being.

When planning your workplace wellness day, we recommend aligning activities with your goals. To that end, we survey your employees to find out what they want to get out of it. This stage is also a good time to ask your teams what wellness incentives they would value most.

Depending on your workplace setup, all of these wellness classes can be hosted either in-person or online.

Propel Physiotherapy and Koru Nutrition have prioritized interactive components for the workplace wellness programs to ensure behaviour changes are meaningful and have a tangible aspect to them, allowing people to bring theory into application with guided, professional assistance.

Sample Two-Hour Employee Wellness Program

  1. Benefits of Employee Wellness Kickstart the day with an insightful session on the numerous benefits of employee wellness programs. Learn how investing in your health can lead to increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, and a more positive work environment. Discover the long-term advantages of prioritizing wellness in the workplace setting.
  2. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) for the Workplace Experience the power of mindfulness in reducing workplace stress. This session includes a guided body scan meditation, a cornerstone of MBSR, to help you cultivate awareness and relaxation. Learn techniques to manage stress effectively and enhance your focus and clarity at work.
  3. Menopause and Nutrition Session Understand the critical role of nutrition during menopause. Our experts will provide valuable insights into how dietary choices can alleviate symptoms and promote overall well-being. Gain practical tips for maintaining a balanced diet tailored to the unique needs of menopausal women.
  4. Healthy Cooking Workshop Engage in a hands-on healthy cooking workshop where you will learn to prepare nutritious and delicious meals. Our chefs will guide you through recipes that are easy to replicate at home, ensuring you can continue your wellness journey beyond the program.
  5. Mobility and Stretching Workshop Participate in a dynamic workshop focused on improving your mobility and flexibility. Learn stretching techniques that can be easily integrated into your daily routine to alleviate tension and prevent injuries. Enhance your physical health with exercises designed to keep you moving comfortably.
  6. Manual Therapy Sessions for Recovery (5-10 minutes) Enjoy brief yet effective manual therapy sessions aimed at promoting recovery and reducing muscle tension. Our skilled therapists will provide personalized treatments to address any discomfort or stress, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalized.
  7. Body Composition Session Gain insights into your body’s health with a comprehensive body composition analysis. Understand key metrics such as body fat percentage, muscle mass, and metabolic rate. Use this information to set realistic health goals and track your progress.

Whether you’re looking to manage stress, improve your diet, or enhance your physical fitness, our program offers something for everyone. Join us for a day of learning, growth, and rejuvenation.

Hosting wellness workshops for your team during the day gives your teams the opportunity to learn more about their own health and wellbeing. This has a positive impact on so many employee experiences and can also help reduce work-related stress.


Investing in employee wellness is not just a trend—it’s a vital component of a thriving, productive workplace. By addressing key areas such as stress management, pain reduction, improved mobility, confidence, resilience, and focus, wellness programs can significantly enhance the overall health and well-being of your team. The benefits are clear: reduced absenteeism, lower healthcare costs, and a more engaged, satisfied workforce.

Customizable wellness workshops tailored to the unique needs of your employees can provide practical tools and knowledge that empower them to make lasting positive changes. Whether your goal is to boost productivity, foster a supportive work culture, or simply show your employees that you value their health, a comprehensive wellness program is an effective solution.

At Propel Physiotherapy, in partnership with Koru Nutrition, we are committed to helping small to medium-sized businesses create and implement these impactful wellness initiatives. By prioritizing the health and well-being of your employees, you are investing in the future success and sustainability of your organization.

The shared journey of improving health and well-being creates a positive and supportive work environment, ultimately leading to a more united and resilient team. Let us help you make wellness a cornerstone of your workplace culture, ensuring your employees have the support they need to thrive both professionally and personally.


[i] Sanofi Canada. The Sanofi Canada Healthcare survey. Benefits 2020: Shifting gears toward health management. 2015. Available at: http://www.sanofi.ca/l/ca/ en/layout.jsp?cnt=65B67ABD-BEF6-487B-8FC1-5D06FF8568ED. Accessed November 21, 2017.

[ii] Goh J, Pfeffer J, Zenios SA. The relationship between workplace stressors and mortality and health costs in the United States. Management Science. 2015;62(2):608-628.

[iii] Hilton LG, Marshall NJ, Motala A, Taylor SL, Miake-Lye IM, Baxi S, Shanman RM, Solloway MR, Beroesand JM, Hempel S. Mindfulness meditation for workplace wellness: An evidence map. Work. 2019;63(2):205-218. doi: 10.3233/WOR-192922. PMID: 31156202; PMCID: PMC6598008.

[iv] Jensen, J.D. (2011). Can worksite nutritional interventions improve productivity and firm profitability? A literature review. Perspectives in Public Health, 131(4), 184-192.

[v] Pronk, N.P., et al. (2004). Relationship between modifiable health risks and short-term health care charges. JAMA, 282(23), 2235-2239

[vi] Anderson, L.M., et al. (2009). The effectiveness of worksite nutrition and physical activity interventions for controlling employee overweight and obesity: A systematic review. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 37(4), 340-357.

[vii] Proper, K.I., et al. (2003). Effectiveness of health promotion interventions at the workplace: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 29(4), 270-279.

Written by

Hoong Phang
Hoong PhangManaging Director & Physiotherapist
Hoong holds a Bachelor Honours Health Sciences from the University of Western Ontario (2008). He has also completed a Master of Science in Health and Exercise Psychology (2010) from McMaster University, and Master of Physiotherapy (2012) from McMaster University. Hoong is currently published in the academic journals “Disability and Rehabilitation” and “Spinal Cord.”



1 Eva Rd., Suite 107
Etobicoke, ON, M9C 4Z5


Monday 8:00 – 7:00
Tuesday 8:00 – 7:00
Wednesday 8:00 – 7:00
Thursday 8:00 – 7:00
Friday 8:00 – 7:00
Saturday 8:00 – 12:30

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1099 Kingston Rd., Suite 5A
Pickering, ON, L1V 1B5


Monday 8:30 – 7:00
Tuesday 8:30 – 7:00
Wednesday 9:00 – 6:00
Thursday 8:30 – 7:00
Friday 8:30 – 7:00
Saturday 8:00 – 12:30

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1600 Lansdowne St. W., Unit 9,
Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 7C7

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Monday 8:00 – 7:00
Tuesday 8:00 – 7:00
Wednesday 8:00 – 7:00
Thursday 8:00 – 7:00
Friday 8:00 – 7:00
Saturday 9:00 – 1:00

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