Kathy Mileski

About Kathy Mileski

Kathy is a registered physiotherapist and mindfulness trainer at Propel Physiotherapy. She incorporates mindfulness based practice and teachings into her work, which gives her a powerful tool to help improve the likelihood of positive outcomes for clients with stroke, spinal cord injury and brain injury.

Treatment for Cardiovascular Effects of Long COVID

Long COVID can impact a wide range of bodily systems, including complications of the cardiovascular system. Symptoms like chest pain, heart palpitations, dizziness and shortness of breath are indicators of damage to the heart muscle and blood vessels. In this blog, we explore common symptoms, including the cardiovascular effects [...]

Five Reasons Exercise for Teens is Essential

Engaging in physical activity is an important part of our physical and mental health. Particularly for adolescents, who experience a multitude of changes that can lead to significant vulnerability to developing mental health problems. These changes have been intensified in recent years by the effects and risks caused by [...]

Balance Training and Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy can significantly impact balance and mobility, often increasing the risk of falls. By disrupting the connection between sensory input and motor output, this condition challenges the body’s ability to stay stable and respond effectively to its environment. Through targeted balance training, physiotherapy can help individuals improve stability, reduce [...]

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