
Traumatic Brain Injury

Treating Severe TBI: An Integrated Approach Case Study

Severe traumatic brain injury is a complex neurological condition that requires a multidisciplinary approach to address the needs of the client. Often after a severe brain injury, the individual will have physical, sensorial, cognitive, perceptual and behavioural challenges to overcome. At Propel Physiotherapy, we have the ability to offer an interdisciplinary collaborative practice [...]

PoNS™ Therapy for Stroke Walking Impairments

At Propel Physiotherapy, our experienced therapists work with clients with stroke to help them regain strength, endurance, balance and mobility. We have training in the specialty area of neurology and a full complement of specialized and adapted equipment that we use to help our clients get the most out [...]

How to Eliminate Barriers to Physical Activity for People with Brain Injury

Physical activity is an essential part of recovery from a traumatic brain injury (TBI). There is substantial evidence to support the benefits of regular exercise for people living with TBI regardless of the severity and complexity of symptoms. [i] Despite this evidence, adoption of an exercise program—and adherence to [...]

Effects of Brain Injury: How Location Impacts Outcome

The effects of brain injury are largely dependent on the location and severity of the trauma. The brain is a complex organ composed of three main parts; the cerebrum, the cerebellum and the brainstem. These areas communicate via billions of neurons to control many of the body’s functions, like [...]

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