
Hoong Phang

About Hoong Phang

Hoong Phang is a registered physiotherapist at Propel Physiotherapy. He believes that every person is capable of improving their current physical situation and is passionate about developing unique strategies through critical analysis and assessment to help his clients achieve their personal goals. Hoong is currently published in the academic journals “Disability and Rehabilitation” and “Spinal Cord.”

Getting the Most Out of Your Therapy Sessions

Our multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals take the same approach to caring for our clients whether you have experienced a stroke or brain injury; hurt yourself in a workplace accident; sustained a sports injury; or you are recovering from childbirth, an illness, or a simple sprain. First, we conduct [...]

Wheelchair Accessories and Devices for Winter Weather

At Propel Physiotherapy, we assist our clients with finding the right wheelchair to fit their needs and maximize their mobility. This often includes helping them to make modifications or choose wheelchair accessories for specific activities and conditions, like our harsh Canadian winters. In this article, we take a look at [...]

Choosing the Right Walking Aid: Canes, Crutches, Walkers and More

Walking aids can assist people experiencing injury, weakness or imbalance in standing and walking. There are many different types of walking aids that fall into several categories. A physiotherapist or other healthcare provider can help choose the right walking aid for you based on your individual needs. In addition, [...]

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